The 8 Strangest Animals In The World

The 8 strangest animals in the world

This photo you see above is anything but false… No effects or photographic retouching: simply one of the countless and curious beings that populate our beloved Earth. Our planet is home to thousands of very special species that not everyone knows about.

For this reason we have decided to create, for all readers of  My animals, a special list with some of the strangest specimens that still exist on the planet. A way to rediscover a fun and original side of Mother Nature.

The strangest animals in the world

In this article you will discover some rather surprising beings that many may remember some of the protagonists of the Star Wars saga of  the famous American director George Lucas. Sometimes, as we will see,  reality surpasses fantasy. So let’s see which are the most particular animals in the world:

1. Funnel-eared bat (Mexico)

Its scientific name is Natalus Primus and it belongs to the Natalidae family  . Its appearance is made very original not only by the reddish yellow color of its fur, but also by the shape of its ears (which resemble real funnels). It is no coincidence that he is commonly nicknamed “Yoda” due to his resemblance to the Star Wars character. You can observe this bat in some areas of Mexico and also on the islands of Juventud or Pinos, in Cuba.

2. Pink Fairy Armadillo (Argentina)

This very special animal looks like a pokemon disguised as a princess. It is a small armadillo (just over 10 centimeters long) that lives in the Cuyo region of Argentina. Its coat is silky, with a white layer, but covered with a pink shell. This species spends many hours of the day underground, so it is unlikely that you will be able to see a pink fairy armadillo during the day. It does not like contact with human beings and, if captured, it only resists in captivity for a few days.

3. Elephant shrew (Africa)

Its scientific name is Macroscelidea and, in addition to being a strange animal, its name will surely catch your attention as well. You pass the term “shrew”, but what does “elephant” have to do with it? As you can also see from the photo, this small mammal of very small size, however, is equipped with a kind of proboscis reminiscent of the most famous pachyderm. This part of the body can even reach 30 cm, while the tail reaches 25 cm. They are mostly diurnal and hide in the crevices of the rocks, in the hollows of the trunks or in abandoned nests.

toporagno elefante tra animali più strani del mondo

4. Aye Aye (Madagascar)

The Daubentonia Madagascariensis is a “mix” between bat, monkey and meerkat. It is an animal with huge eyes, a pointed tail, large ears, and long fingers. With a nice and outgoing temperament, he loves interacting with humans. An ancestral connection due to the fact that it is related to the primate family. Originally from Madagascar, it lives in the branches of trees, sheltering in a spherical nest built using branches and leaves.

5. Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat (Australia)

The northern hairy-nosed wombat is a kind of strangest mammals in the world. Although in ancient times it occupied most of the regions of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, currently its habitat is limited to a territory of just 33 km² in the Epping Forest National Park. Unfortunately, it is in serious danger of extinction. It has a pig-like nose, broad, round and flat, with lynx ears and squirrel-like body.

6. Star-nosed mole (North America)

Its scientific name is Condylura Cristata and it belongs to the Talpidae family . Its habitat extends throughout North America, although it is predominantly concentrated on the northeastern coast of the United States. This weird mole measures 20cm and has 44 teeth. Its main feature (which makes it one of the most particular animals in the world) is that in the snout there are 22 pink and mobile tentacles that serve to advance in the darkness, revealing the presence of insects and worms underground.

talpa dal muso stellato

7. Sawfish (Tropics)

This strange fish is probably one of the best known to the general public. We are talking about a very large shark (it can even exceed 7 meters in length) that has a really lethal weapon: a rostrum positioned in the frontal area that has the shape of a saw. The Pristis Pristis is found in tropical and subtropical waters and, unfortunately, is classified as a species in critical danger of extinction.

8. Harp sponge (Pacific Ocean)

We end our special list with the strangest animals in the world, with one of the truly most amazing specimens that exist on planet Earth. Imagine a sponge, but in the shape of a candlestick. .. Divers can sometimes mistake the Harp Sponge as a precious object found after a possible shipwreck. Despite its elegant and soft appearance, this multicellular organism ( Chondrocladia lyra ) is able to quickly trap and devour any crustacean. That is, beautiful but incredibly lethal.

Image source: and

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