The Benefits Of Lavender Oil For Dogs

Lavender oil for dogs offers a large number of benefits: it is able to calm them, reduce inflammation and act as a natural repellent.
The benefits of lavender oil for dogs

Lavender oil is obtained from lavender flowers, a very common plant in the Mediterranean region. Its relaxing properties are known to all. Additionally, lavender oil for dogs offers numerous benefits by acting as a natural calming agent.

Properties of lavender oil

Lavender oil is one of the best known oils. Thanks to its multiple properties, in fact, it has been used since ancient times. Here are what they are:

  • Calming. This is its best known effect. It facilitates sleep, relaxes muscles and helps reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Antiseptic. Lavender has antimicrobial properties and acts against viruses and bacteria.
  • Analgesic. Lavender oil can be used to relieve pain, especially muscle pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Applying the oil to an inflamed area can reduce swelling.
  • Cicatrizing. It acts on wounds and burns, but is also used in the treatment of acne and dermatitis.

What are the benefits of lavender oil for dogs?

  • Natural relaxing. Its aroma has relaxing properties and helps the dog to calm down and rest.
  • Insect repellent. Lavender oil, alone or in combination with other essential oils such as mugwort, is a natural insect repellent, thanks to the chemical elements present in its composition, such as linalool and cuminaldehyde. We can pour a few drops of this oil on the carpet or on the floor, so that it acts as a natural barrier.
  • Calming. Lavender oil for dogs is a calming agent for both stress and skin, can relieve skin irritated by stings or dermatitis, and is also an effective anti-inflammatory and healing agent for wounds and burns.

    Lavender oil for dogs: a natural relaxant

    Make homemade lavender oil

    If we have lavender flowers in the house, we can use them to prepare the oil. The procedure is very simple:

    1. Collect some fresh flowers and let them dry in the sun.
    2. Once dry, crush the flowers with a mortar, without breaking them excessively.
    3. Heat the flowers in a container containing water or another oil over low heat for a few hours.
    4. Strain the oil and store in a jar away from light.

    With this homemade oil you can make soap, or use it as an air freshener. Of course, instead of making it yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop. The purer the oil and, therefore, poorer in additives, the better its quality will be.

    However, you must take into account that, depending on the degree of concentration of the oil, before applying it you will have to dilute it to a greater or lesser extent. Before using it, read the instructions.

    How to apply it?

    It is very important that the oil is diluted in water or other oils and that you avoid applying it directly to the dog’s skin. You can start by doing a test and applying it on a very small surface, to verify that the animal is not allergic to this substance.

    We can pour a few drops of the oil into a diffuser full of water and use it as an air freshener at home, on furniture, on pet beds… In this way, we use the oil by subjecting the dog to a sort of aromatherapy.

    We can also apply the oil on the skin, in a delicate and indirect way, diluting it. Remember to keep it away from the eyes, nose, mouth, anal and genital regions. You can also practice light massages on the back and belly of the animal.

    You can apply lavender oil for dogs by massaging the animal

    In addition, there are shampoos and fabric softeners that contain lavender oil among their ingredients. You can use them to wash your dog, as long as they are specific dog shampoos. These products are generally sold in specialty stores and veterinary centers.

    Other oils that have shown beneficial effects on dogs are those of chamomile, rosemary, marjoram, niaouli, mint … It is important to remember, however, that essential oils do not replace medical treatments or veterinary intervention, and that we must always apply them and only in their right measure.

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