The Best Phrases About Dogs

The best phrases about dogs

The dog is man’s best friend. This is a universally known phrase and to which everyone attributes a certain degree of truth. But, beyond this statement, there are plenty more about dogs that you will love. Today we want to share some of them with you.

The fact is, our dog friends deserve special attention. Their friendship, their love and their loyalty to us know no bounds. Therefore, giving a small gift like this means giving them very little compared to what they give us. Don’t you think so?

The best phrases about dogs


These are some of the phrases that we believe dogs celebrate. All of them define the relationship between them and us very well:

  • The dog is the only being in the world who will love you more than he loves himself – John Billings
  • Do you think dogs will go to heaven? They will be there long before any of us! – Stevenson
  • I swear to you eternal love if you give me a little affection and don’t abandon me – Phrase of a dog
  • They cannot speak but they will be able to keep company with your silence – Anonymous
  • The best thing about having a dog is that he never asks you questions, he just keeps you company – Anonymous
  • A dog’s love for its owner is directly proportional to the treatment received – Anonymous
  • All knowledge, all questions and answers are found in the dog – Frank Kafka
  • All men are gods to the dog. For this reason there are people who love their dogs more than men – Aldous Huxley
  • The dog knows, but does not know he knows – Pierde Teilhard
  • Love for animals raises the cultural level of the people – Fermin Salvochea
  • To enjoy a dog we must not try to humanize it, but become a little more dogs ourselves – Eduard Hoagland
  • Other than the dog, the book is man’s best friend. Inside the dog is too dark to read – Groucho Marx
  • The dog is part of man – Albert Brahm
  • The more you learn about man, the more you learn to love the dog – Tozzi
  • A life without a dog is a big mistake – Carl Zuckmayer
  • I don’t care if an animal can reason. I only know that he is capable of suffering and that is why I consider him my neighbor – Albert Schweitzer
  • Dogs are good friends because they don’t ask questions and don’t criticize – George Elliot
  • You can live without a dog, but it’s not worth it – Heinz Ruhmann
  • The fact that a dog has bitten a man is not news; one news is that a man beat a dog – Charles Anderson Dana
  • For exercise, walk with someone willing to accompany you, preferably a dog – David Brown
  • The more I get to know men, the more I love my dog ​​- Edward Olivia
  • Dogs are not everything in our life, but they make it complete – Roger Caras
  • As long as you have not loved an animal, part of your soul will be asleep – Anatole France


Our dogs are adorable

These are some of the phrases we believe best describe dogs and our friendship with them. A small tribute to these faithful, friendly, loyal beings to the end. Because they deserve it and this is just a drop of the ocean that we would like to give them, in comparison with everything they offer us.

Wise phrases, from famous people of all time… A demonstration of the fact that our dogs do not look at our appearance, our money, who we are or what we do. They love us ever since they come into our life. This is all they need to give us their unconditional love and loyalty for the rest of our lives, or at least theirs.

What do you think of these phrases? Do you know anyone else?

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