The Delicacy That Will Drive Your Cat Crazy

The delicacy that will drive your cat crazy

A pet is to all intents and purposes one more member of the family that will not be lacking pampering and care. Apparently, dogs are easier to please and make happy than cats. For them, in fact, it will be enough to receive a piece of your food or be taken for a ride, to become incredibly cheerful. However, there is a delicacy that will delight your feline, and in today’s article we will tell you about it.

Although cats can also be enchanted by some treats, they do not normally express their enthusiasm in a visible way like dogs. Well, there is a herb that cats are particularly fond of and that will drive them crazy: it is known as catnip, and today we are going to tell you everything there is to know about it.

Catnip, a special delicacy

Its scientific name is Nepeta Cataria, more commonly known as the mint of cats. Many companies modify it and market it under the name of Catnip.

Curiously, it does not belong to the basil or mint family, but to lavender and thyme, so it tends to grow in dry and dry places. Its leaves are evergreen and toothed and during flowering it has beautiful yellow flowers.

When the cat sees it, even if you haven’t recognized it, it will run to bite its leaves relentlessly. Maybe it’s the mint fragrance that attracts felines so much. However, this herb does cause some rather “strange” effects in cats.

The effect of catnip on felines

Before consuming it they play with it for a while, like a dog who is given a bone would do. However, as they ingest it, their behavior becomes a little less… discreet.

They will begin to turn around the floor in a compulsive way, jumping higher than normal, playing hunting without real prey… it’s as if all their senses are activated to the maximum. They can remain in this state for up to 30 minutes. To many of you it might seem like a real “legal drug” for cats …

Although this is the normal reaction, there are cats that after taking it feel totally relaxed, have lost eyes and emit strange noises. However, this phenomenon has not yet been scientifically proven.

Why does it cause these effects on cats?

A plausible explanation concerns the main component of this delicacy, namely nepetalactone. It is chemically very similar to that found in cat urine, which could explain why they are so attracted to it.

Another reason could be that, apparently, this plant is linked to a type of pheromones linked to mating, which is why female cats especially go crazy for it. However, it is curious to find that many neutered cats are also entranced by this natural delicacy.

The positive effect it causes in cats is known and exploited by manufacturers of toys and other feline products, who tend to insert part of its essence in games, beds and various articles.

It can be very useful for training a cat to sleep in its bed, to do its business in the appropriate litter box or to claw its nails on the scratching post instead of on the furniture. It is also an ideal complement to positive reinforcement.

Are there any negative effects?

Yes, there are also downsides. It is said that anything, if consumed in excess, hurts, and catnip is no exception. As this is a kind of treat for cats, eating too much can cause stomach pains or swelling.

This herb could also cause overexcitation and make cats aggressive if they have ingested too much.

If you take all the necessary steps, however, you won’t find a cat treat to improve on this. Its properties will give your pet a sense of peace and happiness that will make him crazy with joy and lead him to love you even more. Try to look for it, both in shops and in nature, and you will see that your cat will be delighted.

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