The Diet For Dogs Suffering From Kidney Disease

Although a diet must always be balanced, in the case of dogs suffering from kidney disease, special attention must be paid.
The diet for dogs suffering from kidney disease

As with humans, dog diets must adapt to their needs and characteristics. This means that in the case of dogs suffering from kidney disease , their nutrition needs to be revised. In this article we look at some diets for dogs suffering from kidney disease.

Dogs suffering from kidney disease: symptoms

The kidneys are among the most important organs of any living thing. Their function is vital, as they are responsible for eliminating toxins and waste materials produced during internal metabolic processes. Due to various factors such as age, infections and more, kidney function in dogs can become impaired.

There are different types of kidney disease, depending on the clinical picture of the animal and the affected area. Kidney failure is perhaps the most common kidney disease in dogs, consisting of a progressive loss of kidney function.

This disorder mainly affects older dogs. Given the alteration undergone by the kidneys, the nutrient-waste balance begins to undergo a decompensation and prevents the animal from disposing of the excesses via the urinary route.

sick dog on the floor

Other examples of kidney disease in dogs are urinary tract infections or kidney stones, which can lead to serious consequences if not treated early. Whatever the ailment it is evident that the nutrition of dogs suffering from kidney disease must be controlled to restore the balance of toxins and nutrients.

Fatty acids, great allies

If your four-legged friend suffers from kidney disease, the vet will certainly be able to recommend a type of feed, or in general a diet, specific to the type of situation. One of the components that helps most are fats, especially foods rich in omega 3, because they help filter the blood and improve kidney function.

A diet that includes fatty fish will therefore be ideal, given its high omega 3 content. Salmon, tuna and mackerel are also great options. To date, there are products on the market specifically designed for this type of pathology, such as fish oil or omega 3 supplements.

Check the intake of phosphorus and sodium

Although it is a fundamental mineral for the formation of bones and teeth, the supply of phosphorus in cases of renal insufficiency can be excessive. The insufficiency in fact prevents the phosphorus from being disposed of, leading to an accumulation with possible cardiovascular and renal risks. A low-phosphorus diet is therefore important to prevent the kidneys from overworking.

dog kidney disease

Sodium, on the other hand, must be well balanced. An excess can in fact cause blood tension problems, while a too low dose can cause other disorders.

Protein intake for dogs suffering from kidney disease

Proteins form an indispensable part of the nutrients that the body needs for the development of its functions. However, in the case of dogs suffering from kidney disease, care must be taken. The decompensation of proteins releases phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, which must be processed by the kidneys.

For this reason, the protein intake must come from a high quality protein of animal origin. Choosing a proper diet that provides this type of protein in moderate amounts is the main focus today when it comes to dogs suffering from kidney disease. In this regard, if we opt for a home diet, we can include chicken among the main ingredients.

Finally, as we always do with My Pets, the advice is to ask for the consultation of a veterinarian.

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