The Effects Of Aflatoxins In Dogs

The effects of aflatoxins in dogs

Aflatoxins are toxic chemicals produced by fungi. They are released by some very particular types of fungi:  aspergillus flavus , parasitic aspergillus and puberol penicillium . Because of their composition and the serious consequences they cause, they are widely studied. In particular, in this article we will deal with aflatoxins in dogs, especially in relation to nutrition.

In fact, if a dog consumes food contaminated with aflatoxins, the so-called aflatoxicosis occurs  . This disease mainly spreads in places with high humidity, where foods such as cereals can promote the presence of fungi.

However, attention must also be paid to cereals that have not been preserved with the necessary sanitary measures. Cereals and wheat already contaminated with aflatoxins can in fact end up in dog food, as an added ingredient and trigger a really uncomfortable epidemic to fight.

What are aflatoxins? What foods are they found in?

The feed that includes grains, can be infected by aflatoxins at any point during the production process. Dangerous contamination can take place during harvest, later in processing, or ultimately in storage.

a dog sniffs a roast chicken

The products that can be most affected by aflatoxins are: rice, barley, rye, corn, peanuts, walnuts, cottonseed and sorghum. The most influential factors are the water content, humidity and temperature of the processed grain.

Who can suffer from the effects of aflatoxins?

Animals such as suckling pigs, ducks and cats are the most susceptible to the disease. But also dogs, sheep and turkeys. Adult humans in general are unlikely to suffer from aflatoxicosis. Different speech regarding children, who could suffer from intoxication. Particular attention must be paid to man’s best friends, as cases of contamination in some food products dedicated to them have already been recorded.

Effects of aflatoxins

If your dog has contracted aflatoxicosis, the organ most affected by mattia will be the liver. The onset of intoxication produces a series of symptoms that depend on various factors. This is a problem that should not be underestimated, since it can even  lead to the death of the animal or individual that has ingested the mycotoxins.

Symptoms of aflatoxicosis

The symptoms that indicate that there is aflatoxin poisoning depend on the amount introduced into the body and the time elapsed. It will also have different consequences if the victim is a person or a dog. Let’s see three typical cases: aflatoxicosis in dogs, other animals and humans.

If aflatoxins affect your dog

The first symptoms of the disease will appear immediately after ingestion. We speak, for example, of vomiting and refusal of food. The consequences can be weight loss, as well as bleeding and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area. In severe cases, immediate death of the animal can occur .

a sad cocker

Chronic symptoms may also occur, such as lack of appetite and mood swings. Another risk is liver failure and disturbances in the blood clotting process.

Symptoms of aflatoxicosis in other animals

Aflatoxicosis manifests itself with different symptoms in animals, based on the species they belong to. These may be the most common ones:

  • Liver damage, such as cirrhosis, fibrosis, and cancer.
  • Damage to the bile ducts.
  • Anemia.
  • Jaundice.
  • Kidney injury.
  • Mutations in the bone marrow.
  • Endocrine and reproductive problems.
  • Respiratory difficulties.
  • Alteration of the nervous system.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

    Symptoms of aflatoxicosis in humans

    In the case of people, the symptoms depend on factors such as age, gender, and physical condition. Also the amount of poison ingested and the time elapsed before diagnosis.

    If a man has accidentally introduced a large number of aflatoxins into his body in a relatively short time, he will show:

    • Liver damage.
    • Abdominal pain.
    • Digestive and food absorption problems.
    • He retched.
    • Alteration of the state of consciousness.
    • Convulsions.
    • Pulmonary edema.

    In the most extreme cases, the person can end up in a coma and even die. Those who have consumed aflatoxins in small amounts over a longer period may have symptoms such as:

    • Progressive liver failure.
    • Liver cancer (if liver cells mutate via aflatoxins).


    To avoid the occurrence of this serious disease, it is necessary that grains and cereals are grown and produced in compliance with the rules  established by law. In the case of humans and animals, high quality food is recommended . For a normal person, in fact, it is practically impossible to detect the presence of mycotoxins in meat, cheese or eggs.

    Do not  ever eat cereal grains or where it is evident the presence of mold or fungi. Your survival is at stake.

    Treatment of aflatoxins

    When the effects of aflatoxins have already been experienced, the first thing to do is to immediately stop taking the contaminated food and start symptomatic treatment. We are talking about taking medications that will be used to reduce and cancel the symptoms or discomfort caused by the disease. Antibiotics, in fact, have no effect on aflatoxins.

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