The Great Friendship Between A Wolf And A Dog

The great friendship between a wolf and a dog

Friendships between animals of different species always surprise us. And when they look the most unexpected, they are even more curious and fun. It is understandable that two animals living together, even if they do not get along very well at first, can then make friends. But when this bond arises between strangers, it is even more surprising. Discover the close friendship between a wolf and a dog.

This is exactly what happened between a wolf and a dog. But it happened in a very strange and surprising way.

The beautiful friendship between a wolf and a dog

Jans, who lives in the mountains with his dog, received a very special visit one day. While he and his dog were together on the porch, a wolf appeared from the forest. He stood looking at them.

The dog, courageously and without hesitation, went towards the intruder to see who he was and what he was doing there, sniffing him. Jans feared for his dog’s life. However, the animals’ reaction was very different from what he would have expected.

The two started to play and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship between a wolf and a dog. From that day on, the wolf constantly showed up at Jans’ house. He became so fond of him that he decided to give it a name: Romeo.

It is not easy for a wild animal like the wolf to be nice and sociable with people and other animals. But Romeo was this and much more. It made a big impression in Jans’ country, Juneau. So much so that it has even become a tourist attraction. All visitors want to know him.

In addition, both the villagers and visitors who have dogs take them to play with Romeo. In this way they manage to get great photos which then go viral on the internet. Although at first they feel intimidated by Romeo’s regal and elegant presence, they soon realize that he is like a puppy who wants to play.

Playing with Romeo, the wolf

Plus, Romeo doesn’t just want to play with dogs, but with people too! He likes to make them run, jump on them and receive their caresses. Thanks to this attitude he has earned everyone’s affection.

The fact is, a wolf is nothing more than an untamed dog. In fact, Jans remembers an experience:

“One day Romeo stole the life jacket from a friend of mine and took it away to hide it. At first the boy was frightened, but then he realized that the way in which Romeo behaved was not very different from that of the dogs ”.

On the other hand, despite having always lived in his natural habitat, Romeo is inexplicably able to understand what humans tell him and obey orders. According to Jans, he managed to “bring together three very different species: wolves, dogs and humans, creating a unique and very, very special bond”.


It has now been 6 years since Romeo first appeared on Jans’ veranda, and his behavior has always been the same, breaking down prejudices towards his race and his person.

If we pause to think about this story, the only people who had prejudices towards Romeo were the people, first Jans and then the other inhabitants. However, neither Jans’ dog nor any of the visitors or locals refrained from playing with the cute wolf.

Animals always give us precious teachings, as in the case of Romeo: the dog did not pay attention to its appearance or its origin, but to the depth of its heart.

If we humans imitated animals in this and other respects, the world would be different, don’t you think?

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