The History Of Cats In Ancient Egypt

The origin of the domestication of cats dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt; at that time they were revered, respected and praised
The history of cats in Ancient Egypt

Cats have always aroused admiration, mystery and intrigue since time immemorial. Since before Christ, in particular about 3600 years before, the history of cats begins in Ancient Egypt, where they were particularly revered. 

In Ancient Egyptian times, there were only four pets: the cat (miu), the dog (tysem or iu), the baboon (ian) and the monkey (ky).

History of cats in Ancient Egypt

Several experts believe that the cat breed domesticated by the Egyptians was a speckled subspecies of the African wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica . Egyptian representations seem to show cats similar to the Egyptian mau breed: curiously, the word “mau” means “cat” in Egyptian.

This breed has an M feature on the forehead and is the only one with natural markings. They are very loyal to their human and feline family. Their meow is melodious and they move their tails incessantly.

The cat was central to many aspects of life in Egypt. Among them, religion, mythology and daily life. Cats have been “worshiped as gods, loved as pets, protected by law, mummified and lost after their death” according to UBER magazine, October 2009.

The life of cats in Ancient Egypt

The cat is domesticated and becomes part of the life of the Egyptians in the Middle Kingdom. This is the most prosperous period of Ancient Egypt, in which pharaohs such as Amenhotep III (~ 1390 – 1353 BC) stand out. This pharaoh chose a beautifully decorated sarcophagus for his cat Tamit, whose name means “cat”.

Cat of Ancient Egypt

Cats performed different tasks, mainly hunting mice and rats, but also other animals such as scorpions or snakes that roamed near the houses.

Other activities consisted of helping in the hunt. They frightened the birds, which took flight and were hunted more easily. Their work was so important that they became the favorite animals of royalty.

The Egyptian daily life

Cats acquired an important role in different branches of Egyptian culture such as religion or mythology. For example, the goddess Bast, Bastet or Ubastet represented man’s protection through a cat with her cubs.

Its best known representation is with the body of a woman and the head of a cat. The goddess Bast was the mother of Nefer-Tmu. While the mother represented the soft and comforting warmth of the sun, the daughter personifies the sun itself and its warmth.

History of cats Ancient Egypt

Cats were sacred creatures associated with the goddess Bastet. In temples dedicated to this goddess, cats were raised and protected, however, they were often sacrificed as offerings and mummified when they turned 10 months old.

History of cats and curiosities

Here are some curious events about the history of cats and other animals in ancient Egypt:

  • When an animal died, the owners expressed their pain by shaving a part of the body. If the deceased animal was a cat, the owner shaved his eyebrows. If it was a dog, the owner shaved his whole body.
  • The wealthier classes sometimes paid for the embalming of their pets.
    • The Egyptians prohibited the export of cats out of the kingdom. For this, they only arrived in Greece around 2500 BC.
    • Cats have been part of numerous stories, legends and literary novels. In one legend, the cat is represented as a deity, like the sun god. This cat-god is standing on a celestial tree cutting a snake. Not enough is known to understand which god it represents, so several options are considered.
    • One study suggested that South Eastern European populations coexisted with cats. A double grave, of human and cat, was found in Cyprus 9500 years ago.

    Since becoming a part of human life, cats have generated mixed feelings. Their independence can seem like indifference, just as their stealthy, elegant gait can cause concern. However, their transparent gaze, their sweet purr and the elegance they convey are highly valued qualities.

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