The Howling Of Dogs: The Reason For This Behavior

There are those who explain them through the myth, but the howls of dogs represent a way of expressing themselves, a real language inherited from their ancestors, the wolves, who used it to warn the pack of a danger or the presence of a prey .
The howling of dogs: the reason for this behavior

Beyond the myths and popular legends, in this article we will reveal the reasons behind the howling of dogs.

Knowing why our furry friends howl will help us understand their needs and take better care of them. Today we will talk about  howling dogs.

Howling of dogs: the reasons

The full moon or ghosts have nothing to do with it. The howling of dogs is due to various reasons which, in most cases, are related to the wild origins of the species.

Dogs are descended, in fact, from wolves and some very ancient Nordic breeds, such as huskies, which do not bark like other breeds.

Howls are a common way of expression among wolves and also used by dogs. To do this, they lengthen their necks and point their snouts upwards.

This technique allows them to cover long distances in a forest and communicate with other members of the pack, to alert of a danger or to warn of the presence of food.

Husky howling

Is it the same for our four-legged friends? Actually, the reasons for howling dogs are slightly different. Let’s see what they are together.

1. To defend the territory

Among wolves, only the alpha male howls, because he is the pack leader. If our dog howls, he probably wants to demonstrate his power and let everyone know who’s in charge.

Some breeds use howls to warn of the arrival of an intruder in the house and thus give the alarm signal.

In this case, the howling of dogs is due to the survival and defense instinct.

2. To celebrate the union of the pack

For the dog, we and our family are his pack. When we are all home, our friend may be howling with happiness, especially if he has been alone for a long time.

In a wild life context, a wolf would do the same thing to celebrate the union of their clan.

3. To manifest physical pain

The howls of dogs do not always express positive things: in some cases, in fact, they can represent a manifestation of physical pain.

It can be a bruise, injury, or indigestion – howls are like our complaints when we’re sick.

4. To imitate other sounds

It may be that the dog begins to howl after hearing the sound of an ambulance or police car siren – this is completely normal!

The howls of dogs, in this case, have a double explanation: first of all, the annoyance caused by such high-pitched and penetrating sounds. As a result, the animal gets nervous and complains.

Howling dog

Second, the dog wants to mimic the sounds it hears, as if it were a response to the pack leader. The animal, in fact, cannot know what causes the sound, but its genetic memory is reactivated anyway.

Instinct, therefore, tells him to answer the call, to report his position.

5. To reduce anxiety

Another reason dogs howl is to reduce anxiety. Through the howls, which function like a lullaby, they manage to calm down.

Often these dog howls are accompanied by particular gestures and movements, such as turning around, biting their tail or going from side to side repeatedly.

6. To combat loneliness

Dogs love to live in groups or packs. When they don’t have company, they get depressed easily and howling helps them feel less alone.

There are also those who think that dogs, thanks to their highly developed senses, are capable of perceiving the presence of spirits or ghosts.

Still others claim that our four-legged friends may have premonitions about death or natural disasters, but these are beliefs that have not been scientifically proven.

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