The Most Common Characteristics In Terrier Dogs

The most common characteristics in Terrier dogs

Terriers are small but brave, and everyone who has known a Yorkshire knows it. In this article we will tell you more about these breeds.

A common story

The creation of dog breeds until a few years ago depended on the work they did: tracking down prey while hunting, protecting livestock, guiding flocks, etc. For this, a genetic selection was made based on character and physical abilities rather than beauty. 

For example, the fastest dogs were mixed with each other: their physique was shaped to be adapted to this characteristic, up to the creation of the Galgo, for example. The same happened with the rest of the races.

In the case of Terriers, their name indicates where they come from: their role is related to the land. These dogs were bred to bring out small mammals from burrows,  but also to hunt rodents and other predators.

Characteristics of Terriers: physical appearance

Because of this very specific task, common characteristics began to appear in Terriers that made their work easier. Generally, they are small dogs with well-proportioned or short legs.

Also,  they have stiff hair,  especially those who participate in beauty pageants. This type of coat  protects them from the humidity of the burrows and allows them to work in the rain or in areas close to water sources without irritating the skin. They are dogs that shed little, so they are recommended for allergy sufferers.

Terrier dog running

They have upturned ears: these have excellent mobility to be able to know precisely where the sounds are coming from. Their hearing is also highly developed. They use it to understand if the burrows are occupied or to locate prey.

Characteristics of Terriers: character

There are some personality aspects common to all Terriers,  although the experiences of each dog must be taken into account, which could cause personality changes.

They are good guardians because of their powerful bark, which is a great alarm against intruders. This aspect arises from the fact that they had to bark to warn hunters  about where their prey and burrows were.

Often they had to face animals much larger than themselves,  which is why they are brave and daring. They are not afraid of clashing with their own kind. They are purposeful, energetic and fast.

West Highland Terrier

When they are stressed, they bring out their most primal instincts:  they dig the earth, make holes and try to bury objects. If you have a Terrier who destroys pots or hides things in the garden, maybe he wants you to know that he is tense.

List of Terrier dog breeds

There are many Terrier dog breeds, but these are the most common. There are also the Toy ones, that is much smaller. They have never been used for hunting, they were created to participate in beauty contests:

  • Yorkshire terrier
  • Jack Russell
  • Ratonero Valenciano and Bodeguero Andaluz
  • Westy, or West Highland White Terrier
  • Fox terrier
  • Airelade terrier
  • Boston terrier

Some catch dogs have terrier genes, despite the fact that they are not hunting dogs .

  • Bull terrier
  • Staffordshire bull terrier

Terriers are restless and bark a lot, as well as being brave and purposeful. Their character and their size have made them an excellent companion animal from hunting dogs.

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