The Puerperium In Female Dogs

The puerperium in female dogs

The puerperium is a very delicate moment in the life of a dog and concerns that period immediately following the birth. It is, therefore, that interval of time that the female organism needs to be able to rearrange itself.

Although instinct is sufficient to deliver any female animal, the assistance that owners and veterinarians can offer will allow the experience to be less traumatic. It should be noted that, in addition, it will help the animal to recover faster.

It is very common that, after giving birth, all attention is paid to the puppies, so tender and defenseless. However, you should never forget to take care of the mother, since her task is not finished yet. After the labor of giving birth, the dog will have to breastfeed the little ones, And, the more calm and healthy the mother will be, the better the condition of the newborn dogs will be .

Basic care during the canine puerperium


To begin with, it is essential that, immediately after giving birth, the bitch is  thoroughly cleaned. You will also need to take care of the hygiene of the place where she gave birth and where she will breastfeed and take care of her newborns.

a husky mother takes care of her puppy

With a warm, damp cloth, clean the animal’s face and body. Next, the blankets in which they gave birth will need to be replaced, removing any residual blood, placenta, and other waste, such as feces or urine.

You will have to give a lot of importance to the care of the mother’s hygiene, because it allows to reduce the risk of infections that could affect both the bitch and the puppies. One of these could be coccidiosis, a disease generated by a parasite that reproduces through contact with the animal’s excrement.


During the canine puerperium, the mother is exposed to the  danger of infections. Therefore, it is important to monitor his health by observing any behavioral abnormalities.

It is normal for the animal to initially show  tiredness and sleepiness. Your dog will have a tendency to sleep more than usual. Even if with some discomfort, after each nap she should appear active and in a good mood. But if the opposite happens, that weakness could be the result of an infection or even some hormonal complication .

Another warning sign could be the presence of a fever. Some of the symptoms of fever are hot and dry nose, watery eyes, lethargy, lack of appetite, and tremors. In this case you should immediately take the animal to the vet.

The power supply

Of course, nutrition is also essential. When a dog has to regain physical shape, it is right to worry to always guarantee her a balanced diet, with complete and frequent portions . Females who have just given birth eat three or four times a day. These levels can be maintained for up to three weeks after delivery.

A good idea during the puerperium is to give the dog some puppy food, as it is rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Hydration is also important and should not be underestimated. The mother will have a tendency to drink more water, since it promotes  milk production.


The breasts are also an element to which attention must be paid, when your four-legged friend goes through the period of the puerperium. It is not enough just to make sure that they are producing milk, but it will also be necessary to protect the mother and protect her from any mastitis or attacks of eclampsia.

Keep in mind that any infection that may affect the mother will certainly contaminate the milk. Consequently, to protect the puppies, we must do everything possible to ensure that the dog is well.

some puppies while being suckled by their mother

Medical check-up

After giving birth to her young, the female must be examined by a  veterinarian. The specialist will check the health of the animal and that all puppies have been expelled, in addition to the placenta, to avoid metritis.

Other things to consider during the canine puerperium

There are other factors  to monitor during your dog’s postpartum recovery:

The lochia

During the next 15 days, it is normal for the female to release body fluids. This is the so-called lochia. These are the result of the detachment of the film that covers the bitch’s womb. The lochia should be odorless and a greenish-brown or blood-red hue (its normal color).

If the liquids have a nauseating smell or an unpleasant appearance, you should go to the specialist immediately . The intervention of the doctors will be necessary even if this physical manifestation lasts for more than 20 days.

Taking care of the puppies

When the mother gives birth to the young, she will start licking them on the body and face. This is a behavior that will help the puppies breathe well. Check that everything happens normally.

If the mother is not interested in this, you will have to be the one to carry out her duties. Take a damp cloth and wipe it on the muzzle and the rhinarium of the newborns. You will also need to worry about providing enough heat to the litter, which will serve to activate the different functions of their young little bodies.

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