The Pumi, Do You Already Know This New Breed Of Dog?

The Pumi, do you already know this new breed of dog?

There are “legendary” and other more “modern” races. Each of them has its own special characteristics that we may like more or less. In this article we are going to tell you about a new breed of dog, called the Pumi. The breed originates in Hungary. There it is used to follow herds (like shepherds) and belongs to the terrier family. Find out more below!

What does this new breed of dog look like?

Most Pumas are gray in color (lighter or darker), but are born with completely black fur. They begin to lighten approximately from the sixth week of life. The final tone of the animal is defined by the fur of its ancestors.

Some Pumi can be white or a combination of brown and yellow (called Maszkos Fakó in Hungarian land). The coat of the Pumi is curly, the hair is thick and of medium length (about 7 cm). It is combed every 2 weeks and cut every 2 months.

The most distinctive feature of this new breed is its lively ears, always straight with the tip slightly bent downwards, all covered with fur. As for its head, it is thin and long, with a large muzzle, small dark eyes. The males of the Pumi can weigh up to 15 kg and reach 47 cm in height, the females weigh about 13 kg and reach 44 cm.

What is the Pumi’s temperament like?

In relation to the behavior of the animal, it is worth saying that it is a breed that protects the family, reserved with strangers, but with excellent social skills. The Pumi is very lively, intelligent, active and typically barked a lot. He easily understands orders and can be trained without any problems regarding food and games.

It is the typical shepherd, guardian and herdsman breed, although it can also be chosen for the city, as it is an excellent companion dog. It requires a lot of exercise, walking and activity. Likes to play and run. It adapts to both rural and urban life, whenever and when we make it exercise.

When chosen for field work, the Pumi is very attentive, always alert, tenacious, tireless, courageous (with larger or smaller animals) and efficient in their tasks. When he is at home with his family he is very cheerful, faithful and attentive to people he does not know. However, he could get bored easily and not sit still for long. Be careful, because if left alone it can become nervous, compulsive and destructive.

How is the health of this dog breed?

In general, the Pumi or Pumik (as it is known in Sweden and Finland) has a life expectancy between 12 and 14 years (some specimens have survived up to 19 years). The two usual problems are dislocation and hip dysplasia.

Being a “rustic” breed and suitable for working in the fields, it generally does not have many problems and does not get sick easily. You have to pay close attention to the coat, because it is prone to suffer from allergies. Also in the ears, because it can suffer from infections and fungi. If the animal is “in the open air” it is advisable to check that it does not have ears, insects or parasites attached to the hair or legs.

Pumi jumps an obstacle

More data on the Pumi

This new breed of dog actually originated in the 18th century, from crossing the Puli with a straight-eared terrier breed of German / French origin. It has been known as a breed since the early 20th century and has recently become known in other countries besides Hungary, Finland and Sweden.

It has recently been accepted in canine beauty competitions where the bearing of the animal is evaluated. Since then, many have chosen him as a companion dog or as a helper for work in the fields. The appearance of the Pumi radiates will, action and availability. It is not common to find a shy or quiet specimen, so if we are energetic and have a busy life this breed is the best choice.

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