The Rottweiler: Discover The Character Of This Dog

The Rottweiler: discover the character of this dog

The Rottweiler is  sturdy, muscular, dynamic and strong. Medium to large in size and with a very powerful appearance, it inspires respect and admiration in dog enthusiasts.

Instead, it causes a feeling of dread in people who don’t know it. Its presence requires respect, as it is a very powerful dog, and it is not difficult to be frightened by being in front of it.

The Rottweiler and its origins

This breed originated in the Rottweil region of Germany. The initial history of these strong animals dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. In those days, the predecessors of the current Rottweiler were used as defense dogs and to lead livestock.

With the arrival of the Romans in the Rottweil region, their dogs mated with the native dogs of the place. As a result of the crossbreeding, a breed known as the “Rottweil Butcher’s Dog” emerged.

Physical characteristics

The Rottweiler’s head is large and broad. It has a muzzle that looks square, with medium-sized, drooping, triangular-shaped ears. On the tail, there are opinions of all kinds. For some experts the best thing is to cut it, while other dog federations aim to keep it.

The coat of this breed has two layers, an outer one with medium length, hard hair, and a softer and more internal one. Although the color is black, there are several spots of brown and reddish hue on the chest, muzzle, cheeks, neck, etc.

How is the Rottweiler?

Although, due to some isolated incidents and incidents, the Rottweiler is often stigmatized, in reality he is a fantastic dog. It has been listed as a potentially dangerous dog due to irresponsible and unscrupulous owners.

In reality, it is a very attentive, obedient, calm, courageous, confident, reliable and loyal animal towards its owner and family. As with all dogs, each individual will have their own particular identity, their own character.

The Rottweiler is also known for his flexibility and emotional stability, which allow him to adapt well to different activities. With a little training, he is well suited as a guard dog, thanks to his obedience, but also as a police dog, therapy dog ​​and assistance dog. It is also suitable, due to its characteristics, as a search and rescue dog.

Alongside all of these activities, the Rottweiler performs well in canine sports and obedience competitions. This breed is characterized by great trainability: it is able to learn many things.

It is a strong, vigorous and at the same time flexible and emotionally stable animal.

Educating our pet: the puppy Rottweiler

When our dog is still a puppy, we will focus on socializing him, introducing him to other dogs, animals, people and objects. It is a very important moment for him. If he does not socialize properly, he can turn into a reactive, fearful and dangerous animal in the future.

By learning to socialize, the Rottweiler can easily live with all kinds of people and in all kinds of environments, without any problem.

The Rottweiler is not a dangerous dog

What do we hear in the news? That the lack of adequate socialization of the animal is combined with violence and mistreatment. The consequences of all this are behavioral problems in the animal, and with this the increased chances of some serious accident occurring.

If we want to guarantee the well-being of our dog and educate him in a responsible way, we will have a great friend, sociable, serene and very affectionate.

Tips for training a Rottweiler

  • It is necessary to spend time with our pet. If he’s always alone, he won’t be happy.
  • Positive reinforcement should always be used in training and education. For example, some products and items on the market, such as choke collars, are not suitable.
  • The walks must take place two or three times a day. During the walks we will leave some freedom to the dog, especially if he is stressed, allowing him to sniff and run quietly. Being a dynamic animal with good muscles, it needs exercise.
  • The moment we realize that the Rottweiler is altering his behavior and changing character, the best thing to do to avoid aggression is to get in touch with canine training professionals.

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