The Shedding Of The Dog’s Coat: A Real Nightmare!

The shedding of the dog's coat: a real nightmare!

The shedding of the dog’s coat  represents one of the most complicated moments, when we talk about coexistence with your pet. The important thing is not to panic. It is, in fact, a natural habit, more or less evident depending on the breed. Here then is a series of tips and information that will help you manage this situation.

Shedding their coat: why do dogs shed it?

The functioning of the dog’s skin, with the exception of sweating, has a structure very similar to that of other mammals, including humans. Hair is formed from particular cells, which are produced by the hair follicle. These cells give life to the animal’s coat and also affect color, texture and shine.

These cells, like the others, after some time cease to exist but regenerate continuously, more quickly if the animal is young. As you can understand, the dog sheds during this process.

Even if this “mutation” is not too frequent, it represents a real problem for those who have a pet in the house. We are not just talking about the hair that gets to spread in the most unusual places, but also the annoyance they can cause to allergic people, as well as giving a bad image of dirt, resting on carpets, curtains, sofas and in every corner of the house.

a brown and a white dog lying in a living room

6 tips to manage your dog’s coat shedding

After having seen, roughly, how the shedding of the hair in dogs works, let’s see together a series of practical tips that will help you manage the hair emergency in your apartment. Let’s go in order:

1. Brush your dog every day

It may seem like a trivial suggestion, but brushing your dog daily is one of the best ways to get rid of dead hair and prevent it from being spread all over the house. There are various types of combs and brushes for animals, specially designed for the moulting period. Just contact your local pet shop. Some are even glove-shaped.

It is true that doing it every day requires considerable time and patience, but the results are so positive that it will be worth it.

2. Purchase a powerful vacuum cleaner

If you do not own any vacuum cleaner or have one that is too small, keep in mind that this appliance will be your best ally in stemming the hair emergency . Especially if you have a large or long-haired dog  , a powerful vacuum cleaner will allow you to quickly collect all the fallen hairs, saving energy and time.

It may be an expensive investment, but it will pay for itself over time. At the same time, you will always have a clean house and without the classic fluff due to the accumulation of excess hair.

3. Use an electrostatic rubber broom

Rubber brushes are an amazing tool if you can’t vacuum every day. These objects are able to collect the fallen hair thanks to the static electricity produced by the materials with which they are built. Which is a big advantage over regular cotton brooms or mops.

4. Bathe your pet

Bathing is a great way to remove dead hair from your pet’s skin. When bathing and drying, be sure to remove any hair that has already fallen out. This will free your dog and prevent him from running around the house, shedding hair.

Be careful to collect the bundles of hair from the tub, avoiding that they go down the pipes, since they could clog them.

mistress washes the ears of a dog

5. Remove curtains and carpets

As you know, your dog’s hair varies in length and can really get  anywhere. Another simple but effective advice is to remove the furniture elements where the remains of the suit can accumulate.

Curtains but, above all, carpets on which your four-legged friend surely loves to lie down and walk. Obviously, worry more about the open areas where the dog has free access.

6. Set boundaries within the home

During the moulting period it is better to restrict the areas in which the animal can move freely. This way, you will have  fewer areas to clean. You can, for example, forbid him to sit on the sofa, bed or any other “delicate” point of the house. With a minimum of stiffness, you will get two results in one fell swoop: less dirt lying around and less time to invest in house cleaning.

But remember that you will have to impose these new limits, without reprimanding the dog and without resorting to violence. Moulting is a natural process for which the animal is not to blame. Be understanding and always reward your four-legged friend when he obeys you.

Generally, dogs shed their coat two times a year, as winter or summer approaches. Once you have noticed the first symptoms of shedding, all you have to do is  follow these practical tips. You can manage the shedding of your dog’s coat without problems, preventing this natural need from becoming a problem for normal coexistence.

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