The Vietnamese Pig As A Pet

The Vietnamese pig as a pet

Currently,  there is a lot of talk about having a Vietnamese pig as a pet. However, this animal has been attracting attention since the 1980s.

This native dwarf pig breed, which hails from farms in Vietnam, can live 12 to 20 years. It differs mainly from other breeds for its particular physiognomy and for its tiny size, as well as for its black color.

While a common pig can weigh over 300 pounds, the Vietnamese pig is between 40 and 80 pounds. It can be between 40 and 50 cm long.

However,  piglets also need hygiene, nutrition and a healthy environment  in order to develop properly. Owners won’t have to spend much time on them, and they are very intelligent animals.

Today we will tell you  what are the advantages of adopting a Vietnamese pig and how to take care of it.

Why have a Vietnamese pig as a pet?

We know that dogs and cats are the most loved pets. Nevertheless, there are  d iversi exotic animals that can fill a home with joy and  faithfully accompany their masters.

Here are the main benefits of having a Vietnamese pig as a pet.

Docile and curious character

These pets have more than just a cute look. They are docile, curious and energetic. They are very rarely aggressive. If encouraged, they are willing to play, run and discover new activities. In fact,  a Vietnamese pig can be the perfect companion for growing children.

They are very expressive animals and able to interact,  establishing a deep emotional relationship with their owners. They ask for cuddles, they want to play with their loved ones and they love being with people and other animals.

They can be trained

Many don’t know this,  but pigs are very intelligent and learn easily. With proper training, they can be trained like dogs and cats. They come running when you call them by name and can leisurely stroll down the street.

Many domestic pigs learn to relieve themselves in a certain place. They are also able to memorize and reproduce tricks, and to respond to commands.

They are clean and not very hairy

Although the opposite is thought,  pigs are very clean animals, who do not like to live in dirty environments. Like almost all mammals, they have hair, but very little compared to dogs or cats.

Another interesting aspect is that they clean themselves.

Tips for taking care of a Vietnamese pig

When moving an animal away from its natural habitat, care must be taken. You must provide him with favorable conditions for his development and health.

Vietnamese pig in the middle of the meadow

An owner must provide  a Vietnamese pig with good nutrition, regular hygiene and exercise.

1. Balanced nutrition

The Vietnamese pig is omnivorous and adapts to various types of food. It is also very greedy. His diet must be rich in fruits and vegetables (about 30%). And, like all mammals, it needs fresh, clean water to stay hydrated.

Commercial pig food should not be fed to this species. These products were designed to make them fat, not to feed them. After eating them, the animal could suffer from obesity.

In the United States, there are commercial foods made especially for domestic dwarf pigs. The proportions are adequate to make him have a balanced weight. However, it is difficult to find these products in Europe.

There are some grain-based compounds that can be used as a pig’s staple feed. However, the best solution is a homemade diet recommended by a veterinarian.

2. Hygiene and environment

As we have already stated,  the Vietnamese pig is clean and does not give off a bad smell. On the contrary, it is the lack of hygiene of the environment that dirties the animal and makes it stink.

Therefore,  keeping your pig clean is easier if you provide it with a hygienic environment. We recommend bathing him every two months to improve coat and skin health, mainly in summer.

Since it is native to a temperate zone,  the optimal temperature for its development is between 19 ° and 25 ° C. It is vulnerable to extreme heat and cold, so pay attention to the ambient climate.

3. Exercise and health

In their natural habitat,  these animals are used to roaming free on farms and mate quite frequently. This means a high energy consumption. A Vietnamese pig needs a lot of physical activity and a large space to keep fit.

They don’t need much health care. However, it  is necessary to vaccinate them periodically like dogs and cats.

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