Tips For Going To The Beach With Your Dog

Bathing in the sea and playing in the sand are activities that dogs love to do when they go to the beach, but you must take the necessary measures to face the high temperatures without endangering them, as well as think about their hygiene once they return home. .
Tips for going to the beach with your dog

Can I go to the beach with my dog? When summer approaches, you will surely start wondering if you can take your pet on vacation with you.

But what are the main factors to consider? In this article we will give you some tips for going to the beach with your furry friend.

Like going to the beach with your dog

When summer comes, don’t stay in the city! You can go to the beach with your dog and have fun. To do this, here are some tips to follow:

1. Choose a Pet Friendly beach 

There are more and more beaches where dogs are allowed, as long as certain rules are respected,  such as keeping them on a leash. Look for those destinations accessible to animals and you will avoid problems.

2. Pack “a suitcase” for your dog

Dogs also need some personal items during the holidays. For example, bowls, some toys, a towel to dry them when they come out of the water, a blanket to make them comfortable at night, etc.

3. Keep him in the shade

It is very important, when you go to the beach with your dog, that he does not suffer from heat stroke, which is very common in animals. During the hottest hours of the day it is best to take him back to your accommodation. If it’s not possible, keep it in the shade with a good amount of fresh water available.

Dog in the shade at the beach

4. Pay attention to the water

If this is your first time taking your furry friend to the sea, you need to monitor him to avoid accidents while he is in the water. It is true that dogs know how to swim and that they can get out without problems, but they could run into a whirlpool or go too far from the shore.

Furthermore,  the sea water is very cold while the sand is very hot, so this change in temperature is not good for the dog’s health; it could cool down.

Don’t make him drink the salt water as it could hurt his stomach. Then, try not to let the water get into his ears: it causes infections such as otitis.

5. Keep him by your side

Although he is the most obedient dog in the world, when he goes to the beach he finds himself in an environment unknown to him. This may cause him to behave differently, especially if he encounters other animals.

For this,  we recommend that you always keep him next to you and with the leash. You can buy an extendable one to give him a little more freedom, but never let it loose.

Mistress with dogs in the sea

6. Bring him some games

The beach is the ideal place to have fun and to dedicate to your dog the time you may not have during the year. Bring a ball or find a branch you can throw at it and teach it tricks.

The animal will love to play in the sand and, without a doubt, will change its mood. Remember that  the exercise sessions should be done in the morning or in the evening,  during the cooler hours.

7. Cleanliness is essential

Dogs love to roll in the sand and get dirty.  In addition, after bathing in the sea, they have an unpleasant smell. Therefore, once you return home, we recommend that you wash them to remove the sand.

Trim the fur a little and undo any knots that may have formed during these vacation days.

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