Tips For Making A Dog Sleep

Tips for getting a dog to sleep

We must keep in mind the importance of sleep for our pets:  a dog must sleep the necessary hours, especially at night. Not only so that you can rest, but also so that he can benefit from a restful sleep.

There are many dogs that find it difficult to sleep at night and, for this reason, it is important to get used to them since they are puppies.   Today we want to offer you some simple tips to make a dog fall asleep, whether it’s a puppy or an adult dog.

Educating a puppy to sleep

puppy sleeps

Many pet owners have had the chance to adopt a puppy and not be able to sleep at night. Especially during the first few weeks, due to his barking, crying, etc. You don’t have to worry, because the solution exists:  you just need to have a little patience.

The reason the puppy doesn’t sleep during the first few weeks is because he feels disoriented and insecure as he has been separated from his mother and siblings. You also need to understand that he is in a new environment, surrounded by new humans and even new smells, which can also cause problems. This is why you need to be understanding with him.

This does not mean that you will have to let it all go without trying to change the situation. Follow the following useful tips:


We know that dogs are animals of habit, so from day one you need to plan your days and make sure your puppy follows your habits. You will have to respect a time for meals, for the walk, for the game and obviously for the hours of rest. Daily activities should always be done at the same time so that the puppy gets used to it.

The environment

You will need to create a pleasant and suitable environment for your pet to rest. A place all for him, where you will also place his kennel. A mistake that is often made by puppy owners is that when they start crying,  they take them to bed with them: this should not be done, otherwise your pet will get into this bad habit. You can solve this problem by buying a covered dog bed, which will make him feel safe.

During the first few weeks, place a clock with hands near the kennel , as its noise will remind the puppy of its mother’s heartbeat and will feel calmer. It is also very important to avoid loud noises, which can scare him.

Things not to do

Don’t rush to your puppy right away if he starts crying, otherwise he will understand that every time he cries you will rush to his call and use the crying to get your attention. You will still have to watch him from afar, to be sure that nothing happens to him.

Don’t feed him before bed, otherwise the food will give him energy and he’ll probably want to play. It would be best to feed him 3 or 4 hours before he goes to sleep.

Get an adult dog to sleep

adult dog is resting on the grass

If your adult dog doesn’t sleep at night, there may be something wrong. For this you will have to evaluate the situation. If you have moved house, if there is a new family member or pet, if the owners are stressed, etc., because all these factors can affect your dog’s sleep loss. When this new situation passes, it is likely that your dog will go back to sleep peacefully.

Environment for sleeping

First of all, you must provide your dog with a good sleeping environment: he  must have a comfortable kennel that he identifies as his own and where he can rest. If he doesn’t sleep in the kennel, you can teach him by putting a treat inside that he appreciates.

It is very important to set a time for rest, which  may coincide with yours, or occur at a different time. To do this you have to respect the same habits every day, such as turning off the lights, turning off the television, locking the key, etc…. things your dog identifies with going to sleep.

The food

What is true for puppies is also true for adults: you will not have to feed them before going to sleep, because otherwise they will be too energetic. They need to eat 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. It is also very important that they get enough exercise during the day so they will get tired and fall asleep faster.

Relaxing massages

When your dog is in his kennel, you can compliment him and give him  a relaxing massage, especially in the head and shoulder areas:  this will help him relax and fall asleep more easily.

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