Tips To Improve Dog Health

Tips for improving dog health

Your dog’s health depends a lot on the care you give him : adequate nutrition, hygiene, toys are just some of the aspects to consider. Here are some tips on how to keep your dog healthy.

Dog health starts with nutrition


Author of the photo: Fernando Dall’Acqua

The first aspect to consider when it comes to dog health is nutrition. Many of us don’t realize that the famous industrial kibble is made from meat by-products, chemicals, and other fillers.

If for lack of time or for any other reason you choose to buy ready-to-eat dog food, look for a brand that contains meat of sufficient quality and supplement the meal with vegetables and other healthy products. The higher price is obviated by the smaller quantity. When the food is more substantial, the animal needs to eat less.

We often say of us that “we are what we eat” and this also applies to our four-legged friends.

Water also affects a dog’s health a lot. If we give him tap water it will be necessary to check that it is not treated in excess, just like we do for us.

In addition to good quality food and clean water, attention must be paid to environmental dangers such as pollution, pesticides and various chemicals.  These elements are toxic to the body, accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes and can cause many diseases.

Supplements to detox your dog

To detoxify the dog’s body, many herbal supplements, antioxidants and other natural substances are available on the market that are very useful for cleaning the main organs, strengthening the immune system and preventing disease.

Among the purifiers we remember the supplements based on mistletoe or ginseng. In addition to providing antioxidants, they improve blood circulation and the resistance of white blood cells to disease. These supplements will help your dog have more energy and slow down aging.

Signs of good health in dogs

Here are some signs that show good health in your dog:

  • The dog’s nose is moist and fresh, dark in color and without secretions.
  • The eyes are clean and bright.
  • The breath does not smell bad and the breathing is slow and regular.
  • The gums should be a uniform pink color.  By pressing them, they become white for a few moments, immediately returning to the original color.
  • The animal’s teeth are white and clean.
  • The ears have a clean appearance, do not give off any odor and the coat is shiny.
  • The animal’s skin must be smooth, clean and supple. You can do a simple test to check the condition of the skin: gently pull the dog’s skin over the shoulder, you will notice that a bell-shaped fold is formed. By releasing the skin, it must quickly return to its original state. If not, it is possible that the animal is dehydrated.

Dog hygiene


As for hygiene, it is essential to brush the dog regularly, especially the younger specimens. This eliminates dead hair, dirt and external parasites, as well as stimulating blood circulation to the skin. The appearance of the coat will be better, healthier and shinier.

Bathe your dog only when necessary. Remember that too many baths can affect the health of your skin, leaving your coat opaque and less impermeable to water.

The ideal would be to use a bathtub (if the pet is small or medium in size) or a shower (if the pet is large). The water should be lukewarm and the shampoo of good quality. Rub it gently, taking care not to get water in your eyes or ears.

Dry it immediately with a towel. It is important to do this step carefully, being careful not to leave it wet.


If it’s a puppy, get him a suitable toy to bite into when his first teeth come out. Do not let them bite into real bones, in the shop you will find many items indicated.

When it comes to eating, if your dog has a delicate mouth, a good idea is to soften his food by wetting it a little.

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