Treatment And Contagion Of Distemper In Dogs

Treatment and contagion of distemper in dogs

The canine distemper in dogs is a disease caused by a highly contagious virus. It usually affects puppies and, if not treated in time, causes irreversible effects or even death.

In this article we will tell you about this serious pathology not only showing you its main characteristics. We will also see how it develops and how to avoid the infection of distemper in dogs , showing you the most effective treatments and cures.

Contagion of distemper in dogs

The degree of danger of this disease is very high and, in many cases, it becomes lethal to very young or old animals. That is, with an underdeveloped or weakened immune system. It is, in turn, a very contagious viral disease, which affects three systems: respiratory, digestive and nervous.

How is distemper transmitted in dogs? Through bodily secretions: from tears, saliva and mucus. When a dog sneezes or coughs, it will spread microscopic droplets into the environment that can harbor the virus.

In puppies that come into contact with other sick specimens, transmission is more likely, although this does not mean that by avoiding taking the dog for a walk, you will avoid infection 100%. Even if you play with an infected puppy yourself, the virus can get into your clothes or hands. Therefore, it is essential to wash them thoroughly after touching a dog, especially if you are unfamiliar with them.

There are several options for preventing this disease when you have a puppy in your home. As a first step, you will have to vaccinate him in accordance with the doses indicated by the veterinarian. In addition, it is essential to pay attention to the dogs your pet plays with and interacts with, especially if they exhibit any of the typical symptoms of the disease.

What are the symptoms of dog distemper?

The first sign that there is a problem is the presence of a fever. However, this is not the only warning sign in potentially infected dogs, because distemper is a disease that attacks on several fronts.

Old woman with dog on her lap

On the respiratory level, it is possible to notice that the dog begins to cough, lose mucus and sneeze. It is also possible to observe conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids and nose with continuous yellowish secretions. Mucus causes difficulty in breathing and, if the virus reaches the lungs, it can trigger pneumonia.

As for the digestive system, the virus causes vomiting or diarrhea following severe gastroenteritis. In the event that the dog has only this symptom, you must not associate it with distemper, but with some intoxication or other food problem.

Dermatitis is a clear sign of distemper: flaky, hard or dry skin, for example in the nose area, as well as in the pads.

In turn, this disease has consequences in relation to the nervous system and, in most cases, if the animal survives, it can suffer irreparable consequences for life. Sudden attacks, convulsions, nervous tics , muscle spasms and paralysis in the extremities are unfortunately quite frequent.

Is there a treatment for distemper in dogs?

This viral infection does not provide, up to now, a specific and effective treatment. For this reason, if you believe that your dog is affected, you should take him to the vet without delay.

Veterinarian visiting sick husky

The practitioner will be responsible for relieving the symptoms and preventing further suffering for the pet. Some expectorants and antibiotics eliminate phlegm; other drugs treat vomiting and cough and food supplements strengthen the animal’s health. It is recommended that the dog consume more vitamin B if he is suffering from nervous tics .

It is essential to avoid dehydration, even when the animal does not want to drink, and to continuously disinfect the nose and eyes. If he has a lack of appetite, you should try offering him some wet canned food, which contains liquid and is more palatable than regular dry kibble. Cuddling and attention, in this delicate moment, will be very important for your four-legged friend to feel comfortable and motivated to heal.

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