Veterinary Phytomedicine: Do You Know What It Is?

Veterinary phytomedicine: do you know what it is?

For decades , humans have used plants as a treatment for disease,  a technique known as phytomedicine. In concrete terms, veterinary phytomedicine consists in the application of this practice to treat animal diseases.

Herbs are known for their countless health benefits, and since the primitive era humans have harnessed their strong power to heal wounds or to treat common ailments.

Even animals instinctively use plants to benefit their bodies. A simple and common example that you will surely have noticed if you have a garden, is that dogs use green grass (bushes) to go to the toilet.

Although it is not yet very common, veterinary medicine is opening up to the application of phytomedicine, especially in the case of animals whose diet is natural.

Animal experts support  the implementation of veterinary phytomedicine to treat animal diseases. In some cases it is applied for the treatment of simple wounds, however it is beginning to be used for more complex pathologies instead of drugs.

We cannot fail to mention how specialists in this field define veterinary phytomedicine as a natural medicine that serves everything.

Origins of veterinary phytomedicine

 The use of healing herbs is very common particularly in Eastern culture,  unlike the Western world where there is still a predisposition for traditional medical treatments.

veterinarian punctures the dog

Aware of their benefits, man has been studying the power of plants for years, and some of the active ingredients of Western medicine come from herbs. This is the case of salicylic acid (from willow), atropine and scopolamine (which are extracted from Belladonna), as well as silymarin (obtained from Milk Thistle).

Another key factor discovered thanks to research in this field is that the whole plant offers healing properties: the benefits are not limited to the leaves or branches – some roots are also useful.

Similarly, the use of the plant in its entirety is also common in homeopathic medicine. Aloe vera, for example, is used as a healing agent, while the root of the popular “Cat’s Nail” helps as an anti-inflammatory.

It should be noted that veterinary phytomedicine is a rather new practice. The real challenge begins with raising awareness of the power of plants and the benefits they bring to the animal’s body.

Advantages of veterinary phytomedicine

1.It is less invasive to the body. Veterinary phytomedicine does not involve exposure to chemical components that could have negative effects on the animal’s body, and is therefore less toxic.

Undesirable effects associated with the use of drugs or other treatments are also reduced, thus avoiding collateral disorders.

2. Offers variety in the form of administration. Herbs can be administered to the animal in various ways, among the most common are: infusions, syrups and maceration.

Depending on the animal and its disposition, the specialist can find the most suitable method. Other types of administration can be by inhalation or dyes.

3. Dosage. Veterinary phytomedicine allows you to establish the doses based on the characteristics of the animal, but also to vary them according to how the treatment proceeds.

Another benefit is that as these are herbs, multiple types can be combined for better effects. All this without running the risk of overdoses or intoxications, phenomena that are possible with drugs.

It must be pointed out that in many cases, the combination of several medicines can lead to irreversible side effects for the body.

4.Low cost and high availability. Veterinary phytomedicine is cheaper and can be accessed almost immediately, without having to go through long medical protocols.

In this sense, we must not forget that for a good application it is important to know the properties and qualities of each herb.

mistress with little white dog

At the same time it is advisable to inquire in which state the plant is most effective. Some herbs are more beneficial when previously dehydrated, others are more beneficial when used fresh.

Each region offers different plants with common medical benefits, and knowing the variety of species will help you have a wider choice for the medicinal treatment you want.

To increase the effects of veterinary phytomedicine, the specialists in the field recommend feeding the animal with a natural diet. This consists of replacing prepared feeds and choosing home-made food.

To conclude, it must be made clear that the benefits of both medicines together favor the best physical and emotional performance of the animal. Also, these will be immediate.

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