What Are The Most Suitable Breeds To Practice Canicross?

These breeds are physically powerful, but they also have a character or discipline that makes them more prone to doing this sporting activity known as canicross.
What are the most suitable breeds for canicross?

How about starting canicross ? It is an increasingly popular discipline all over the world, thanks to which we train our animals and have fun together.

In this article we talk about the most suitable breeds for canicross … in this way you can start training as soon as possible.

The best breeds for canicross

According to the canicross rules, any dog ​​can participate, as long as they are in good health and after having passed the necessary veterinary checks.

It must also have a microchip and be between one and ten years old.

The truth, however, is that some breeds are better suited than others to engage in this physical activity which can be very tiring for the animal (and its owner). The best are:

1- Airedale terrier

This breed originates from the UK, like most terriers, and is considered to be one of the strongest due to its developed musculature.

Furthermore, it is very resistant and active, therefore ideal for accompanying the owner to run or participate in canicross.

The airedale terrierer (photo that opens this article) is very intelligent, obedient and docile. It responds very well to basic training and fulfills basic orders without problems.

However, he needs periodic ear cleaning to prevent infections and to be brushed every day to prevent knots from forming in his fur.

2- Weimar Bracco

Also known as Weimaraner, it is one of the most chosen dogs to practice canicross thanks to its resistance and predisposition to training. They are a very obedient breed, behaving perfectly and also very energetic.

Hound of weimar

The Weimar Hound has a short, dense coat that protects it from moisture, which is why it can move easily in swampy terrain. Its muscular and well proportioned body has long and well developed legs; it has a decisive step and can jump both to ground level and to considerable heights.

3- Border collie

This Scottish breed is associated with herding, but it can be a great idea to get her to participate in canicross.

This is because it is a very intelligent and agile animal, as well as obedient. It is considered to be one of the best dogs to train and engage in dog sports.

Border collie training

The border collie is strong, energetic, athletic and very fast, of medium size and double coat, which protects it from low temperatures and water.

When walking or running, it slightly raises its paws, which is why it seems to move stealthily.

4- Belgian Shepherd

Another dog suitable for canicross, thanks to its great intelligence, its ability to work and its excellent temperament.

It is still used today as a shepherd dog, but it is best known for its work in the police (on a par with the German shepherd). They need to be trained and socialized from an early age to avoid disobedience.

Training of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is about 60 centimeters long and weighs around 40 kilos (males). It has a sturdy and muscular body, short brown hair and pointed ears, large and black, like the rest of the face.

5- Labrador retriever

It is one of the most chosen dogs as a pet, and perhaps its obedience and great physical resistance are due to this. The labrador retriever is present in all canicross competitions.

Labrador retriever

Are some breeds excluded from canicross? In reality we must talk about dogs not suitable for this discipline due to certain physical characteristics. Among these stand out the specimens suffering from brachycephalic syndrome: French bulldog, pug or boston terrier, among others.

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