What Documents Are Needed To Adopt An Exotic Animal?

What documents are needed to adopt an exotic animal?

Adopting an exotic animal is now a custom for those who want to have an  alternative mascot to dogs and cats at home. The adoption of a “conventional” pet already entails many obligations, enshrined in the law. Therefore, in the case of exotic animals , certificates, licenses and documents will be even more restrictive.

To make sure that you know what the adoption of an exotic animal means, from a legal point of view, and how to make sure everything is in order, here is a series of information that will certainly be right for you.

Adopting an exotic animal: a conscious choice

Species such as snakes, iguanas, chinchillas, spiders and lizards, among others, are a favorite of those who wish to live with an exotic animal. However, you will need to be well informed about some aspects before adopting one of these living beings. As the well-known association Animal Protection (ANAA) says:

Before welcoming an “unusual” animal into your home, it is good to ask yourself a few questions first :

  • What are the reasons that push you to adopt this animal?
  • Is this species suitable as a pet?
  • Do you have the opportunity and the time to satisfy all the needs of this species?
  • Are you prepared to take care of this animal?
  • Do you have adequate space and means to offer him adequate and decent living conditions?

Green iguana stands on a tree trunk

Good intentions, bad information

Without knowing it, many people with good intentions but poorly informed and poorly prepared, can end up becoming involuntary “torturers”, forcing exotic animals to an inadequate and sad life. Especially dangerous for their well-being.

Before choosing an exotic species to keep indoors, to satisfy a selfish desire, it is important to make a self-critical effort, based on empathy and sensitivity. Just ask yourself:

In addition to all this, you will have to keep in mind that the possession of an exotic animal outside its habitat can be an abuse and even more so if it has progeny, because we would contribute to the trade in these living beings.

Documentation required to adopt an exotic animal

If, after thinking for a long time, you still want to adopt one of these animals, you will have to deal with administrative situations. Not surprisingly, there are some exotic animals that can be kept as pets, but they require specific documentation and preventive measures which, in some cases, are strictly mandatory.

the muzzle of a green chameleon seen up close

Have you ever heard of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ? Better known as CITES, it establishes control over the adoption and possession of wild and exotic species, especially those that are in danger of extinction. This agreement requires the use of special permits to be able to keep a specimen of some of these animals at home.

The aim is to regularize the trade of these species, for which it is necessary to ensure that it is sustainable and does not compromise the species itself or the ecosystem. Well: what kind of documentation does CITES require?

The first is an export permit for the animal from the country where it lives. The second is to import it where you are. If you live in the European Union, for example, the measures are more severe, but you can always check them by accessing the official page of the Convention ( www.cites.org ).

On this website, you will also be able to download all the documents required to be able to adopt an exotic animal.

At this point you might get a little discouraged. Obviously the subject of documentation is serious and somewhat delicate. But these demands do not completely prevent the adoption of this type of animal. If all legal requirements are met, you will soon be able to enjoy your new exotic pet.

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