What Foods Can Be Given To The Cat If Its Feed Is Finished?

What foods can be given to the cat if its feed is finished?

Unlike dogs, felines tend not to “eat anything” other than their feed, tuna or pate. If your cat’s food is out and it’s too late to go shopping, you can improvise with what you have at home. In this article we explain which foods and ingredients are suitable.

My cat is hungry… and I don’t have his food

We don’t know how they do it … but they seem to have an internal clock that tells them time to eat. And they make us understand this very directly (so that there are no misunderstandings or communication problems).

Meowing next to the empty bowl, constantly rubbing against our legs, drooping eyelids (“Puss in Boots” style), standing in front of us … Until we get up and go to fill the bowl, they don’t give up.

But sometimes it happens that we have not had time to buy the feed and there is no food for the cat. What to do when we see the empty bag and the muzzle of our cat begging for mercy? This recurring nightmare in pet owners can end.

In addition to being careful and buying the feed before it runs out (or always having a habit of buying more even if the bag is still half full), we can try some human foods that are also suitable for cats.

Provided these foods are administered sporadically and in small quantities, they will not hurt. Our diet can be effective and nutritious for animals, because it contains vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, which are essential for their growth and development. Without it becoming a habit, we can share a meal with our cat without any problems.

What to know about cat nutrition?

It is essential to know the most important aspects related to your cat’s diet. These are the characteristics that all owners should know:

1. Cats eat meat

This is due to the fact that they are carnivores. They can eat chicken, cow, pork and fish. It is recommended to cook everything to avoid some diseases.

2. Cats eat dry and wet food

Some owners prefer to give cats wet food bags and others dry food. Both types of food meet the nutritional requirements that the animal needs at every stage of its life. The ideal would be to combine the two types of feed, especially not to accustom the cat and avoid it rejecting the other in case we find ourselves without it.

3. Cats eat when they want

We cannot force them to eat when we decide it is time for dinner or lunch. Felines are so independent that they even choose the right time to feed.

The good news is that they manage their food themselves and only eat what they need from an energy point of view. If you leave the house in the morning and come back in the afternoon, don’t forget to fill the bowl before you leave.

4. Cats also drink water

Like all mammals, cats also need to stay hydrated by eating and drinking. If you only feed him dry food, then you will need to satisfy his water need via another bowl (which must always be clean and full). If he eats wet food, he may hardly look for water, but you still need to provide it.

5. Cats eat according to their age and stage of life

The nutritional needs of felines vary according to age. From 5 to 40 weeks they need between 30 and 80 grams of food per day; from 1 to 6 years of life the dose varies between 40 and 130 grams and when they are over 7 years old, between 30 and 135 grams.

What to give to the cat if its feed runs out?

You can try these alternatives:

  1. Meat: chicken, beef or turkey.
  2. Fish: especially tuna (which cats love) or any other fish, as long as it is cooked.
  3. Vegetables: carrot, chard, beetroot, tomato and courgette.
  4. Fruits: apple, pear and peach.

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