What Is Marking For Cats?

What is marking for cats?

Territoriality in cats is a topic that is much discussed, especially in the face of situations such as quarrels with other animals. Nevertheless, there is a lot of ignorance regarding the marking of felines, and for this reason we will deal with this topic today.

Cat tagging is known as the process by which they release both olfactory and visual signals to other cats of their own species so that they know that a certain place or object belongs to them. Thanks to its surprising intelligence, the cat is able to implement various behaviors and strategies, through the use of an extraordinary and complex body language and pheromones.

Although territorial delimitation is one of the main reasons cats use marking, it is not the only one. Unlike what many believe, cats are social animals, and through this process they are able to make themselves known to the cats around them. All this is of extreme importance especially in the period in which the cats are in heat, as these will be able to locate a male by following the traces of urine and pheromones they release. Let’s find out some particularities of this process.

Delimitation of the territory


Have you noticed that your cat rubs against things, animals or people? Although it may seem an attitude of extreme sweetness, it is actually a way he has of communicating to other cats which objects are his property. Cats produce pheromones through glands located throughout the body, including the paws. By rubbing, they imbue their scent on all surfaces they come into contact with, so when your little friend rubs himself on your legs, he is indicating to other animals that you belong to him.

The hypothesis is being evaluated that cats also make a mark when they “knead” objects, whether it be cushions, your legs or other surfaces where they usually rest placidly. However, the phenomenon of kneading can also be considered a reflection of the period in which they were infants.

Another way cats demarcate territory is through urine. In fact, this liquid contains the pheromones produced in the anal glands of the cat, substances that represent a strong signal to warn other animals that a certain territory already belongs to someone.

Cats mark all their favorite places with urine, especially those where they usually rest in peace. However, when a cat urinates in a space where you spend a lot of time yourself, for example on the bed, it means that it is claiming ownership on a space that is already impregnated with your scent. Another reason for cats to do their business on your bed or furniture has to do with their attempt to bond with you.

Likewise, cats use scratches as visible indications that an object belongs to them. These represent a way not only to make their presence visible and clear, but also their size, as scratches are an intimidating element for other animals.

When the cats are in heat


As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, marking also takes on a strong communicative connotation. Once the male cat detects the presence of a cat in heat, unless it is neutered, it will begin to continuously emit liquids in order to attract the female.

Through the strong content of pheromones released every time they urinate, the males allow the cats to know when they can enter their territory without inconvenience, being ready for reproduction. In any case, this is a behavior that does not last all year, but only during the period in which the cats are in heat.

Even through the game, the cat realizes a series of signals that allow other cats to know whether or not they are welcome in the territory of others. While not common, many cat owners have noticed that their felines tend to invite other felines into their spaces, sharing food, a roof, and a safe space for them to play with.

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