What Is The Meaning Of A Dog’s Facial Expressions?

What is the meaning of a dog's facial expressions?

Body language is an important part of communication  between people, but also between humans and animals. If the dog can communicate a lot to us through his body, he can do it even more with his face.  

While some say animals lack facial expressions, that’s not true at all. Several studies have shown that not only dogs have it, but also that with each of it it sends us a very specific message. 

For this, and because we know that you love your dogs and that you will love to understand them better, in this article we analyze their facial expressions and the meaning of each of them.

Our dog speaks to us with his facial expressions

Let’s see what our dog wants to tell us with each area of ​​his face.


If the dog keeps his eyes wide open, it means that he is excited or that he wants to play. It is the expression he adopts before the walk or when we return home. Even food can lead him to assume this expression.

If he keeps his gaze fixed, there is something that is catching his attention, usually something he doesn’t like. It is the expression that usually precedes an attack, so try to understand what your dog is observing, because he will soon launch himself on something or someone.

Avoiding eye contact is a demonstration of respect or submission on the part of the animal. It happens when we scold him, especially in the presence of another leader dog.


Keeping your ears straight can indicate concentration on what you are doing or curiosity about what you are hearing without understanding what it is or where it comes from. Usually the dog keeps its ears upright while playing with us or with other dogs or while chasing an object.

If, on the other hand, he tilts them forward, it means that there is something in front of him that he does not like and that he sees as a challenge. The next step will be to attack. This situation is more evident if at the same time it curls its muzzle and shows its teeth.

The dog will keep his ears attached to his face when he is frightened, when there is something that makes him feel helpless and, possibly, he will seek our protection. Like avoiding eye contact, this signal can indicate submission and will be adopted by the dog when reprimanded.

If, on the other hand, he holds them backwards and not attached to his face, this indicates stress, nervousness and tension. He is bothered by something, such as the arrival of another family member or a new pet in the house.

He can also move his ears back and forth when he is comfortable in his place or doing a certain activity. For example, he can use this gesture while he is going to the toilet or while we are walking him.


Have you ever noticed a smile on your dog’s face? Dogs smile even though it seems impossible to many. If, moreover, the smile is accompanied by a movement of the tail, there is no doubt: your pet is telling you that he is happy. 

If he yawns, on the other hand, the reasons may be various. You already know that yawning is contagious, so maybe they do it because they saw you doing it or simply because they are sleepy. On some occasions, however, it can indicate stress.

Another sign of stress is keeping your mouth closed, but stretched backwards. This expression can also indicate fear and, if accompanied by yelping, pain.

If he licks his snout, maybe he’s just cleaning himself of food scraps or maybe he wants some of ours. Sometimes, however, this can mean that he is feeling threatened or stressed.

If he shows his teeth, we all know what that means; is ready to attack, watch out!

As we have seen in this article, there are many messages that our dog can send us with his facial expressions, with the position of his ears and mouth. In this way, we can always know how it is and what it needs. Observe your dog and, in this way, you will be able to understand him better.

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