When Is A Caesarean Section Necessary?

When is it necessary to perform a caesarean section?

When complications arise in pregnancy, it is necessary to resort to caesarean section to safeguard the health of the mother and the unborn child. Cesarean section is an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus  to extract the fetus. In the case of dogs, veterinarians recommend caesarean delivery especially in brachycephalic dogs (such as Bulldog, Pug, Shitzu, Boxer, Pekingese). In this article we want to share with you some curiosities about caesarean delivery in female dogs.

Why is it necessary to resort to caesarean delivery?


According to what was stated by the specialists, there are causes of neonatal mortality that arise precisely at the time of labor. Among these we find dystocia, or the mother’s difficulty in expelling the fetuses and the consequent fetal hypoxia.

They are problems caused by physiological difficulties, by behavioral disturbances and even by medium environmental factors.

In some cases, the death of the puppies is attributable to genetic problems or some type of infection. There are various researches that have shown that 20-30% of puppies die before six months due to a poor neonatal path.

To avoid the death of puppies, if you observe that your dog is not in perfect shape to face a natural birth, it is best that you contact your vet for the opinion of an expert. You must be on your guard, especially if this is the first time you have faced a situation of this type.

You must know that it is essential to do everything to make the dog feel calm. Maternal stress is absolutely prejudicial and could cause complications in childbirth. It is your responsibility to create a relaxed environment and reduce the animal’s anxiety level. You have to keep your nerve not to pass on your restlessness to the dog.

It is best that you know that the vet will likely leave the decision to perform a caesarean delivery up to you. That’s right, it’s up to you to decide: the law requires the owner to give his consent to the surgery.

Other situations for which a caesarean section is likely to be performed?

puppies 1

There are other circumstances that require this surgery and which may be maternal (such as skeletal abnormalities of the pelvis) or fetal (malpositioned fetus or malformations). Well, in these cases it is a must to opt for a caesarean to safeguard the health of both the mother and the puppies.

On the other hand, at the slightest symptom of suffering of the fetuses it is necessary to resort to caesarean surgery.

Labor does not always lead to natural childbirth. The color of the amniotic fluid indicates the well-being of the fetus. If the fluid is not clear and has a dark, greenish or reddish color, it may indicate that fetal distress is underway due to premature abruptio placentae ( abruptio placentae ) or the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid.

Both circumstances are extremely delicate. The caesarean section must be performed when labor begins. Don’t worry, caesarean delivery is a good and safe alternative.

Another thing you need to know is that the drugs that are given to the animal for a caesarean section are much lighter than those used for surgery. Do not be afraid, the dosage does not endanger the health of the mother or that of the puppies. Medicines with no side effects and which guarantee a rapid recovery are used. Among these is for example  Propofol  which is a short-lasting anesthetic drug, which is administered intravenously. The anesthetic is injected into the foreleg, previously cleaned and shaved. Subsequently to make an incision that goes from the pubis to the navel. If the puppies are large, then the incision will be longer.

As the puppies are extracted, the vet’s assistants take care of cleaning them. When delivery is Caesarean, it can take up to half an hour for puppies to breathe and stabilize. Eventually, when everything is under control they are placed in a warm place.

Finally, when the mother wakes up, she must be able to hold her head up, her body temperature must be adequate and her gums must be pink. At this point, you can all go home.

You have to make sure that the mother accepts her puppies. If he has strange, non-worrying behavior, within 48 hours his hormones will start working regularly.

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