When Should I Take My Dog ​​to The Vet?

It is always advisable for the specialist to check the health of the animal in order to check for any problems before they become serious.

Many people don’t know when to take their dog to the vet or that doing so is critical to their well-being. Visits to the specialist are vital for the health of your four-legged friends. They will allow you to establish a plan to manage possible emergencies.

If you have any doubts about this, in this article we will explain when you should take your dog to the vet.

When should I take my dog ​​to the vet?

Some owners find it unnecessary to take their pet to the vet if they are fine and show no signs of illness.

However, this is a fundamental precaution. As is logical, every time you adopt or buy a new pet, it will have to be evaluated by a veterinarian who will establish a health plan based on the species and age of the animal, in order to correctly follow the vaccination and deworming calendar. .

This largely depends on your pace of life and that of your pet, as well as its breed and other variables. Once you reach adulthood, it is normal and recommended to take your best friend to the vet at least once a year.

Some diseases require mandatory vaccines that need to be renewed.

Furthermore, it is always advisable for the specialist to check the health of the animal in order to check for any problems before they become serious.

Therefore, you will need to pay particular attention to any aesthetic or behavioral changes of the dog and, if necessary, immediately run to the vet.

Unfortunately, there are very critical pathologies such as, for example, canine leishmaniasis.

How do you know if your pet is sick?

It can be difficult to find out if your pet is suffering from a disease.

Especially when it comes to subclinical processes that do not show great symptoms. That is why, at the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to take your pet to the vet.

However, there are two interesting aspects that will always help you in the face of a possible health problem. First of all,  over time, you will get to know your dog.

This means habits, behavior, appearance. If you notice something “strange” or abnormal, just go to the specialist to confirm the possible problem.

Likewise, thanks to periodic preventive visits, you will give the veterinarian the opportunity to  update the animal’s medical record, allowing the doctor to always intervene quickly and effectively.

It is vitally important not to do self- diagnosis .

It can be interesting to try to learn, but for information purposes, since the diagnosis and treatment of our pet must be done by a person with a degree and an expert in the field, that is always and only him, the veterinarian.

This will rule out complications from wrong treatments that, many times, make things worse rather than better.

Changes in your pet

There are some signs that can warn you that “something is wrong” with your four-legged friend.

As for behavior , apathy, sleepiness, lack of appetite or constant pain, they should get your attention.

It should be emphasized that it all depends on the species. For example, a rabbit barely shows any signs of illness until the situation becomes complicated. Therefore, we must take into account that routine visits are vital for prevention.

Any change in the animal’s appearance can be alarming. Weight loss, swelling or irritation of the skin, changes in the mouth or eyes may seem unimportant.

However, it is advisable that, if you suspect any pathology, you anticipate the periodic check-up.

Changes in appetite and thirst, or in the frequency with which the animal defecates or urinates, as is the case with polyuria , are also very important. As you can see, therefore, your concern and your eye are essential to detect any anomaly concerning the health of your pet.

Being aware of this will be the best guarantee for your dogs or cats and will make visits to the vet more effective. As is often said, “prevention is better than cure”.

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