Why Do Cats Use Their Tongues To Clean Themselves?

Cats use their tongues for their personal hygiene, but this can cause hairballs to form in the stomach.
Why do cats use their tongues to clean themselves?

Anyone who shares a home with a cat knows that these felines, as well as being charming, are extremely clean. Cats follow a strict daily routine of hygiene, licking themselves with their tongues, to keep their body and environment free of impurities.

In this article, we will explain why cats’ tongues play a central role in their cleanliness and health.

Why are cats’ tongues so rough?

Probably, all of us were amazed to find that our pets’ tongues are extremely rough. The characteristic roughness of the tongue of cats is due to a layer of spongy tissue located on its surface.

This tissue is made up of a set of conical papillae made up of keratin, the same substance found in cat’s hair and nails. Although its rough texture may feel like a blade when licked on us, the conical papillae act like a comb or brush when grooming cats.

Rough cat tongue

Cats’ tongue works like a brush

When the cat licks its fur, its “brush tongue” allows the removal of dead hair and most of the impurities and residues from the environment. In nature, this mechanism is essential, as it prevents parasites and dirt from adhering to the skin, while at the same time preventing the formation of knots on the surface of the fur.

The conical papillae of the cats’ tongues also allow felines to “scratch” the flesh attached to the bones of their prey. In addition to being able to feed more easily, this prevents the cat from expending energy to reach another prey in a short amount of time.

Natural cat hygiene and the danger of intestinal hairballs

The habit of daily cleaning of cats is not only good for the animal, but it is part of their routine and their way of being. This means that we cannot but above all we must not prohibit our animals from licking themselves to clean themselves.

However, this natural hygiene of cats also carries a dangerous risk to their health : the formation of hairballs in their gastrointestinal tract.

The effectiveness of the “brush tongue” causes the animal to end up ingesting a large amount of dead hair. These hairs enter the digestive tract of the animal. They also tend to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, forming so-called “hairballs”.

How to know if your cat has hairballs in the stomach?

Hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract of cats can cause digestive upset and severe cases of constipation. If your cat has hairballs in the intestines and stomach, they will likely show difficulty defecating or lay drier, darker, smaller stools.

Cat fur balls

Additionally, the cat will feel the need to remove the hairballs from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, retching, regurgitation and vomiting will be frequent. Depending on the amount of boluses, the cat may also be listless or lethargic, due to pain or digestive discomfort.

Below, we will look at the symptoms of hairballs in cats :

  • Frequent gagging
  • Vomiting (usually with food and liquid remnants)
  • Regurgitation
  • Constipation
  • Stools dry, dark or in small amounts
  • Stiff abdomen (may be accompanied by abdominal pain)
  • Apathy or lethargy

How to prevent the formation of hairballs in cats?

The best way to prevent hairball accumulation in your cat’s digestive tract is to brush it regularly. In addition to doing this regularly and consistently, it is very important to know how to choose the right brush for your cat’s fur, depending on the breed.

If it’s a short-haired cat, it’s best to head for the use of a ‘carda’ (the classic cat comb sold in stores). Remember to choose a brush with soft bristles so as not to injure the cat and give it a pleasant experience when brushing.

If your cat has long, semi-long or dense hair, the ideal is to purchase a wire or two-sided brush. Traditional brushes and combs do not reach the undercoat of these animals, so brushing will not give the expected results.

Also, you may want to offer your cat catnip from time to time. This plant stimulates your pet’s senses and helps him defecate, in order to avoid the accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract.

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